Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vulnerability of Internet Explorer

by Okura
Microsoft announced that newly found security flaw affects all version of Internet Explorer from IE5 to the latest beta IE8. 

Sleipnir is using the same engine as Internet Explorer so this issue can also affect Sleipnir.

Microsoft is now seeking its solutions.

What we can do for now until Microsoft announces its urgent patch or solution is:

*Enable automatic Windows update for the next update
 →If you are using Windows XP,
     Control panel/ Security center/ Enable Automatic update

*Disable Javascript to make Sleipnir more secure
  →Menu bar/ Tools/ Sleipnir Options/ View/ Trident
     Uncheck the box of “Enable JavaScript”

*Update your Windows when Microsoft announces its patch or update
  →They are plan to release its patch on December 17th in the US time
      For details, please see the reference below

You can avoid its influence limiting execution of scripts. When you visit a site which requires scripts, please pay attention to the page security. You can set security changing security mode on the status bar. This is urgent announcement and information so this might not be accurate for 100%.

If we received new information, we will let you know in this blog.

Thank you.


As attacks escalate, Microsoft readies emergemcy IE patch (ZDnet)

Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for December 2008 (Microsoft)

A small Christmas present from Fenrir Inc☆

by Nami

Hi, everyone! We are in winter now in Japan. It's been cold!!

I think it has snowed in north part of Japan but no snow yet in where we are!
And around this time we started hearing Christmas songs everywhere!

Christmas is just around the corner! Some of you may not celebrate Christmas because of your culture or religion.

We, most of Japanese are not Christians, but we celebrate Christmas. We usually exchange presents, and eat Christmas cake (Big cake with a small Santa Claus shaped candy on it )with family, boyfriend or girlfrend. Ummm... I love cakes!

Anyways, present is also important for Christmas so we have a small Christmas present for you ;-)

Fenrir Inc original, Christmas version wallpaper♪

We have 4 sizes.

Fenrir Christmas 2008 wallpaper (800*600)
Fenrir Christmas 2008 wallpaper (1024*768)
Fenrir Christmas 2008 wallpaper (1280*1024)
Fenrir Christmas 2008 wallpaper (1680*1050)

Click to open the image and save it from the right click menu. Then please set it as wall paper.

I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support in 2008!
Fenrir Inc wishes your happy happy holidays!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEx (5) – IEDockEx part 2

by Mr.X

Hi, guys! I'm Mr. X!

☆Outline of the previous blog

・Tried IEPanel
・Set IEPanelEx
・Set also IEDockEx
・I got tired of eating ramen

So did you get a big picture of IEPanelEx and IEDockEx?

This is the last blog about IEPanelEx / IEDockEx. Today I'll talk and explain about IEDockEx sample.
I continue this from the previous blog. So before starting this, please read the previous blogs and create “TestDock.”

*IEPanelEx / IEDockEx are softwares under development in our Laboratory!

☆Let's create something that moves

This is the last blog of IEPanelEx / IEDockEx, so let's create something special, something that moves like an application! OK! Let's create a sample!
1.Open “<Sleipnir installfolder>/plugins/IEDockEx/TestDock/config.ini” in text editor
2.Lines below “Setting” should be like this:


Change this as below:


3.Restart Sleipnir


*The dock displays the newest images on the “Flickr
 ・It gets information from RSS so you don't have to log in Flickr

*Click on a picture to open it in an active tab
*At default,
 ・Photos are automatically updated every one minute (You can set its interval)
 ・It gets all updated information (you can limit information using key word search)

So let's call it “flickrDock” for now.

One file has all HTML/ style/ scripts, so you can see the source selecting “View source” from the right click menu and save it. You can use it to see the source, modify it etc. though it's a bit hard to read.

Let me explain a bit more...

☆How to use and set it

*The dock can display 20 images at the maximum
*You can go to settings screen clicking the heart mark on the right top on the dock

*You can set update interval and use key word search for images
・Your settings are saved in Cookie for a week

*You can change dock size and place to display changing the config.ini, “Align=,” “Size=” like below (you need to restart Sleipnir):

 ・to display one line horizontally at the bottom

  ・to display vertically on the left of the dock

☆Technical description for web developers

* Here we use Cookie to save settings. You can also use Action to save data base or text files. As simple samples using Cookie,
  ・Your used key words for search are also saved in Cookie so please set the dock without writing anything if you prefer not to save the words. Cookie will be deleted.
  ・You cannot use IEDockEx DOM from Action, so if you use Action to save data base, it can be complicated.
  ・For more details, please search source code in “Cookie”
  ・When you write scripts by yourself, please do not save important information such as IDs or pass words in Cookie

*It gets information from Flickr that is using JSONP. So you can use the dock in the same way if the web pages have API service that gives information in JSON.
  ・Please refer the last 10 lines in “function loadJsonp.”

So how did you like “Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEx” series?
I wrote 5 blogs about this topic but I don't think I explained enough!!!

But I just hope this blogs will give you motivation to create something nice! If you create something nice, please write comments and let me know :-)

I hope you enjoyed my blogs!
Thank you very much and I'll see you soon!

Related pages:

Fenrir Lab/ IEPanelEx
Fenrir Lab/ IEDockEx
Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEX (1) – IEPanel
Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEX (2) – IEPanelEx part 1
Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEX (3) – IEPanelEx part 2
Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEx (4) – IEPanelEx part 1

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEx (4) – IEDockEx part 1

by Mr. X

Hi, guys! I'm Mr. X!

☆Outline of the previous blog

・Tried IEPanel
・Set IEPanelEx
・I ate ramen

This time, we will create a countdown timer that we created the last time with IEDockEx.
I continue from the previous blog. Before starting this, please read the previous blogs and create a cont down timer with “TestPanel.”

*IEPanelEx / IEDockEx are softwares under development in our Laboratory!

☆How to use IEDockEx

You can set IEDockEx following the same steps with IEPanelEx. Let's first create “TestDock” as an example.

1.Download “IEDockex” from Fenrir Lab

2.Select “Expand all” from the right click menu

3.If you are using Sleipnir for Windows 2000/XP/Vista, use “unicode” folder. If you are using Windows 98/98SE/Me, use a file in “mbcs” folder.

4.Change a folder name from “<expandedfolder>/plugins/
IEDockEx/IEDockEx” to “<expandedfolder>/plugins/IEDockEx/TestDock”

5.Change a folder name from“<expandedfolder>/plugins/panel/IEDockEx.fx” to “<expanded folder>/plugins/panel/TestDock.fx”

6.Copy expanded folders, “unicode” (or mbcs) and all the files below “unicode,” and paste it below “<Sleipnir installfolder>”

7.Find “Dock” in “<Sleipnir installfolder>/pref/plugins.ini”, and add “Dock7=TestDock.fx” referring other lines. (Dock7 on the example below is added part. If the “Dock7” is already there, please add as “Dock8” )

8.Restart Sleipnir

Now there is a dock on the bottom of the window. It shows sample actions.

☆Let's count down with the timer

Let's count down with the timer created with IEPanelEx on the previous time. We can make the timer count down with IEDockEx using the same scripts, HTML and JavaScript used for the IEPanelEx .

1.Copy “<Sleipnir installfolder>/plugins/IEDockEx/TestDock/cindex.html” to somewhere for back up
2.Copy“<Sleipnir installfolder>/plugins/IEPanelEx/TestPanel/index.html” and overwrite it on “<Sleipnir installfolder>/plugins/IEDockEx/TestDock/index.html”
3.Restart Sleipnir

Now displayed on the dock!

You can open and close dock from “Veiw-> Dock-> TestDock” on the menu bar.

Also now you can use an action, “ShowTestDock” to choose to display or not to display the dock. If you register it to mouse gestures, for example, you can use it very easily.

☆Change place to display the dock

You can change place to display the dock with IEDockEx editing config.ini. Let's move the dock to the top.

1.Open “<Sleipnir insrallfolder>/plugins/IEDockEx/TestDock/config.ini” in text editor
2.Save it after changing “Align=bottom” to “Align=top”
3.Restart Seipnir

Now you can see the dock on the top.

Other than that, you can change width of and set to display or not to display the scroll bar etc. For more details, please refer config.ini.

☆Today's key points!

*You can create IEDockExs changing file names.
・Follow the same steps as IEPanelEx. Change the file name, “TestPanel” to a different one.

*You can change factions of IEDockEx adding lines on config.ini
・Other than settings of IEPanelEx, you can also set “Align=” and “Size=” etc.

*You can use "show action" by setting IEDockEx
・When using name, TestDock, you can select to display or not to display the dock with an action named "ShowTestDock "for example.

☆Next blog...

Ahhhhh... I kind of get tired of eating ramen! I'll finish eating and talking about “Autumn is the best season to eat food!” and I'll talk something about art for the next time (Please refer “Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEX (1) – IEPanel” to know why it's said that autumn is good season to eat and work on artistic activities in Japan)

Thank you!!

Related pages:

Fenrir Lab/ IEPanelEx
Fenrir Lab/ IEDockEx
Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEX (1) – IEPanel
Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEX (2) – IEPanelEx part 1
Let's use and enjoy IEPanelEx / IEDockEX (3) – IEPanelEx part 2

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Add a game to your blog! New blogparts is NOW RELEASED!

by Mr.X

Wow, it's being getting really cold recently!
Hi, I'm Mr.X. Oh... I'm freezing... I need hot hot ramen noodle NOW!!

Once you start playing a puzzle game for a change, you'll find yourself actually spending hours playing it. Yeah, puzzle can makes us crazy!!! So we created this blogparts, Logica, so that we can share wonderful experiences with many users like our corporate philosophy says ;-)

Logica is like this:

You can put your favorite image and put Logica on your blog like this:

For details, please visit our site “Logica for Blog”

Thank you very much!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sleipnir Interface Contest!!

by Nami

We start Sleipnir Interface Contest from December 4th to December 14th!!

Sleipnir is very customizable browser, so each of you can have your own interface. Your Sleipnir desktop can be different from others depending on your needs, your favorite features, and added functions etc.

What functions does everyone use often? What kind of Sleipnir interface does everyone have?
If you are interested, join in Sleipnir Interface Contest NOW!

It's very easy to participate:

1. Open your customized Sleipnir

2. Take a screen shot of your Sleipnir
(We recommend you to use our plug-in, SnapCrab.
If you use it for the first time, please read “SnapCrab mini lesson” below!)

3. Post it to our facebook community with your comments
 (your country and what functions you add or your favorite points of Sleipnir etc)

After the deadline, we may interview with users who have very unique desktop and update it on this Fenrir developer's blog!!
You can also participate just writing your comments on other users' posted screen shots!

Take your Sleipnir screen shot and post it to our facebook community!
You may be the one who will be spotlighted in our blog!
We are looking forward to your entry!

Thank you!!

☆SnapCrab mini lesson!

1. Download SnapCrab
2. Restart Sleipnir
3. You can find a new bar under the address bar
4. Select 5th icon from the left
5. Press Ctrl key on your opend Sleipnir window
6. Taken screen shot will be saved on your desk top!

Then don't forget to post it to our community ;-) Deadline is 14th!!