Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sleipnir Mobile for Android 1.1 released!

Further to the official release of Sleipnir Mobile for Android last week, we are happy to inform you that Version 1.1 has been released today.

Having received many encouraging feedback, we have decided to quickly apply user requests and release this version. We will keep working on further improvements.

Thank you.

Download Sleipnir Mobile for Android

[What's New]
- Enable to change downloaded file destinations.
- Enable to ON/OFF restoration on start-up.
- Enable to ON/OFF scroll grip.
- Added the function to always enable plugins such as Flash.
- Fixed not being able to copy texts under certain circumstances.
- Fixed not being able to unlock bookmark labels.
- Other bug fixes and improved stability.

Please download from Android Market.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finally! Sleipnir Mobile for Android Official Released!!

We are very happy to announce you that Sleipnir Mobile for Android is finally released officially here. Thanks to your feedback, we managed to improved this official version.

- Gestures
Gestures enabled quick and easy one-hand browsing.
- Functional Tabs
Tabs are visualized in Thumbnails and easily accessible. Tab groups make it easier for you to sort out pages.
- Bookmark Sync
You can sync Sleipnir bookmarks among different devices. Bookmarks can be managed with colorfully coded labels.

[Changes from RC]
The main changes from RC is speeding-up and bug fixes.

[Check Out Sleipnir Mobile Video!]

Please download from here.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sleipnir Mobile for Android RC released!

We are very happy to announce you that Sleipnir Mobile for Android RC has been released. This is for you to try out all functions before the official release on 15 September, 2011!!!

Download Sleipnir Mobile for Android RC
- Go Back/Forward Gestures.
- Search Gesture.
- Gesture and Unable Hold And Go option.
- Supports Cookie and Basic Authentication.
- Search Within a Page Function.
- Select a keyword to search (Smart Search).
- File Downloading Function.
- Improved Scroll bar functions (Scroll Grip).
- Other improvements including added setting items, and bug fixes.

[Various Gestures]
"L" letter: Close a tab
"U" letter: Restore currently closed tabs
"S" letter: Search
Clockwise Circle: Reload a page
Double Clockwise Swirls: Reload the whole tab group
Up & Left: Go Back
Up & Right: Go Forward

Please download from here.
Thank you.

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Sleipnir 2.9.8 released!

We are very happy to announce you that Sleipnir 2.9.8 has been released. Sleipnir 2.9.8 addresses overall stability, particularly when using IE9.

Download Sleipnir 2.9.8

This version has the following changes from Sleipnir 2.9.7 official version.
[Spec Changes]
- Changed web search query from Japanese to all languages.
- Changed the default Favorites settings.

[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed not being able to view certain websites properly.
- Fixed not being able to use Bookmarklets with long codes in the address bar.
- Fixed the issue that Sleipnir was occasionally force-quit when Bookmarklet was dropped from the view to the link bar.
- Fixed not being able to create an internet shortcut properly by selecting File | Create a Shortcut for pages with long titles and/or including particular letters.
- Fixed some importers from not operating properly.
- Fixed Access Key for Sleipnir Option | Serach | Search Engine List from being duplicated.
- Fixed the issue that "Add" / "Delete" button were enabled by selecting a gesture from a list even when the checkbox for Sleipnir Option | User Interface | Mouse Gesture | is unchecked.
- Improved stability for long-term use.

Please download from here!

Thank you.

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